Publius Project
Essays & conversations about constitutional moments on the Net collected by the Berkman Center.

Attribution Policy

Publius Attribution Policy

All of the content on the Publius web site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License that allows anyone to use it in any way they want, so long as you give us and the author proper credit and so long as you use exactly the same Creative Commons license in the work you create using these essays. (You can get more information about the license here).

The Creative Commons license we use requires that authorship of the content must be attributed in the manner we specify. At a minimum, we require that attribution of our content include:

* The full, original title of the essay from the Publius site, hyperlinked to the particular URL on the Publius site where the essay you are re-using appears;
* The text "By" followed by the name of the individual author of the essay that you are re-using; and,
* The text "published by the Publius Project at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University with the words "Publius Project" hyperlinked to the homepage of the project,

For example:

The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It, by Jonathan Zittrain, published by The Publius Project at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University.

is adequate attribution. (We encourage you to do more, if you'd like).